Minggu, 27 November 2016

Execise 3


15. A : Hey bro, Would you sit down please?
B : Of course

16. A : Excuse me. May I ask what is it timer?
B : Of course, now at 1 p.m

17. A : Sorry, would you show me road to Depok City?
B : Sure, the City of Depok just straight ahead from here

18. A : Excuse me, would you tell me schedule departure of the garuda plane flight?
B : Yes, of course

19. A : Can you tell me the price of the white sweater?
B : Yes, of course

20. A : Could you tell where is the nearest library?
B : Of course, the library is on campus margonda


7. A : I have a problem with my studen’t VISA
B : You should talking about VISA issues with your parents as soon

8. A : My roommate snores and I can’t get to sleep
B : You ought to wake your friend in order to be able to sleep soundly

9. A : I need to improve my English
B : You should study English every day

10. A : I can’t stop yawning
B : You should sleep night to

11. A : My library book is due today
B : You should return your book early

Exercise 2

  1.  I would always try to nego my salary have job interview? No, because the pay is set by the company, unless the company that offers on salary negotiation
  2. Had on interview, I would try to show why I deserve the job and what I could do for the company? Yes, I sure can receive and execute these jobs well, because I can communicate well with customers who will complain about the problem of the products. I will provide the best services to the company in accordance with my skills

Exercise 1 (job interview)

Q : Coba anda ceritakan mengenai data diri anda.

A : Nama saya Umami Alvia, biasa dipanggil Pia. Saya tinggal di Depok bersama keluarga saya. Saya lulusan Universitas Gunadarma jurusan akuntansi dengan IPK 4.00 lulusan tahun 2018

My name Umami Alvia, commonly called Pia, I stayed in Depok with my family. I am graduates in Gunadarma University majoring in accounting with IPK 4.00, graduated in 2018

Q : Apa alasan anda ingin bekerja ?
What is the reason you want to work?

A : Ingin mencari uang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan, selain itu ingin menambah pengalaman dengan cara mencoba hal hal yang baru

I want to get money for needs, and I want to increase my experiences with trying the new things

Q : Dari mana anda tahu lowongan diperusahaan kami?
Where is you know about  vacancy in our company?
A : Dari iklan yang ada dikoran (surat kabar)
From advertisement in newspaper

Q : Sebutkan 3 kelebihanmu !
Mentioned three your advantages !

A : Saya senang mencoba hal-hal yang baru yang menurut saya itu baik, jujur, dan berusaha menyelesaikan pekerjaan tepat waktu
I really like about the new things and new experiences that I think it’s good, honest, and trying to complete my job on time

Q : Berapa gaji yang anda inginkan ?
How much salary you want?

A : Saya tidak terlalu mementingkan gaji, yang terpenting adalah saya dapat bekerja dengan baik, tetapi saya menginginkan gaji yang sedikit lebih tinggi dari sebelumnya

I am not worried about the salary, the important thing if I can work well in my company, but I want a salary higher than before where I work
g anda inginkan ?